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Please see the updated Strong Start calendar for February – FEBRUARY SS CALENDAR – UPDATED


Click on the link to view the February Strong Start calendar:




Please see the updated January Strong Start calendar: JAN 2024 SS CALENDAR


Schools are open in the Sooke School District today – January 19.

It is up to parents/guardians to decide if they feel comfortable sending their child/ren to school. We support and respect your decision. If you decide not to send your child/ren to school, please notify the school of their absence.


Strong Start will be closed today – January 19.


Due to the weather, the Late French Immersion Information Night at John Stubbs has been postponed until January 23 at 6pm.


Good afternoon parents/guardians,


Schools will remain open this afternoon to ensure that all students have a safe, supervised place to be for the remainder of the day. However, should parents/guardians wish for their child to go home earlier than the regular dismissal time, including registered bus students, you may come to the school to release them or, if we receive direct permission from you, students can be released from school on their own. Students must be signed out as per the school’s normal permission protocols.


School buses will be running at their regularly scheduled times, but due to changing road conditions some routes may be delayed or have altered stops. Impacted families will be contacted directly by the Transportation Department as per regular processes.


Updates on school opening for Friday will be made by 6:30 am tomorrow. Thank you for your support and understanding as we continue to navigate inclement weather conditions.


Thank you,


Paul Block – Superintendent of Sooke Schools / CEO



Schools are open today, January 18. Please take care as you make your way to school today.


Message from the Sooke School District Facebook Page:

Buses are cancelled, but schools are open in the Sooke School District today (January 17). It is up to the parent/guardian to decide if they feel comfortable sending their child to school. We support and respect your decision. If you decide not to send your child to school, please notify the school of their absence.

Please take your time and drive with care. Expect slippery conditions on roads and sidewalks.

An email notification has been sent to families.


From the Sooke School District Facebook Page

Enjoy the beautiful blue sky but prepare for a potential snowfall/freezing rain this evening into tomorrow afternoon.

Information regarding any school closures due to weather will be posted on the SD62 website and social media (Facebook and X) and shared with local news media as close to 6:30am as possible. An email will also go out to the parent/guardian contacts in MyEd.



The following bus routes have been cancelled today (Jan.12) due to weather and road conditions:

Route: 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 21, 60

Please dress warmly today and watch for slippery conditions. Changes in the weather can affect road conditions which can lead to unexpected transportation delays.

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