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Parent-teacher Conferences – November 18

Teachers will be holding on-line parent-teacher conferences on the afternoon and early evening of November 18th.  This is an important opportunity for you to connect with your child’s teacher to learn more about how they are progressing.  The electronic sign up for these conferences is now open at https://millstream.schoolappointments.com/

Instructions on how to use:

School Appointments – Simple Parent Instructions

Please see instructions on how to sign-up for these. If you are unable to book online and wish to book an appointment please contact the Teacher directley. 

**We do not own this electronic platform if you are having technical difficulties please contact the website help desk**





There will be a BC Transit bus parked in the front parking lot today, Monday.  This is part of an educational BC Transit presentation that several of our classes will be participating in.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience at arrival time.




The October PAC meeting is on October 19th at 7:00 PM.  This will be an on-line meeting.

Click here for the MS Teams Meeting Invite




In recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th, students and staff are encouraged to wear an orange shirt tomorrow.  “Every child matters”.

School will be closed on September 30th.


Classroom teachers and our music teacher will be holding on-line Meet the Teacher events during the week of October 4th.  These events will take place for a maximum of 30 minutes and are intended to give parents an opportunity to meet the teacher and hear/see more about what happens in their classroom.  There will also be some time to ask general questions.  Parents who have specific learning or social concerns are asked to schedule a separate appointment with their child’s teacher.

Please look for an email from your child(ren)’s teacher indicating the day and time of their on-line Meet the Teacher Event.

M. Tim, our Music Teacher, will offer a session on Tuesday, October 5th at 5:30 PM.  The link will be sent out next Wednesday.



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday- Indoor days

Monday Victoria Conservatory of Music 9:30-10:30

Thursday Victoria Conservatory of Music 9:00-9:30

Friday Goldie Park

In November we will return the normal schedule.




Our Millstream Library Learning Commons has signed up for a Fundraising partnership with Munro’s Books. Each time you purchase from Munro’s Books and mention Millstream School, your points get donated to our school’s account for future purchases.

We thank you in advance for your support.


Monday, September 27th is a non-instructional day.  There is no school on that day.  Enjoy the long weekend.


Tomorrow is Millstream’s first school spirit day.  Please show your school spirit by wearing wacky socks!