Home / School News (Page 74)

  • Measles Information from Island Health

    Island Health – Information for Students and Families With the outbreak of measles in Vancouver, BC, families may be wondering what steps they can take...

  • SD62 Reminder of Weather-Related Closures/Cancellations

    SD62 Reminder of Weather-Related Closures/Cancellations

    Dear Parents/Guardians, With the possibility of snow this week and next, please take a look at our weather procedures. Schools remain open if at all...

  • Updates from the Office

    Dear Parents / Guardians of Millstream students, Here are some updates from our office… Lost and Found will be on display tomorrow. Please have a...

  • Strong Start Program

    Dear Strong Start Participants, The Strong Start Program will not be running on Wednesday November 21st. On Thursday November 22 the program will be located...

  • SD62 Halloween Costume Guidelines

    Dear Parents/Guardians, Halloween is nearly here! Please take a moment to read the following costume guidelines. Teachers will go through these points with students and...